Closing in on 0: WGEA’s push for gender equality in the workplace

$255.30. This is the average weekly wage disparity between men and women in full-time positions across Australia, equating to a 13.8% gender pay gap (GPG).  

This inequality stems from a range of factors, including the history of male-dominant fields and women’s primary participation in unpaid work and caregiving roles, that have become subconscious decision makers in the workplace.

In an effort to challenge this norm and close the gap, the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) are running an annual reporting program to measure, raise awareness of and improve workplace gender equality across Australia. 

In an effort to steer the GPG towards 0, this initiative aims to promote and improve gender equality in the workplace and help employers remove barriers to the full and equal participation of men and women in the workplace.  

What is WGEA reporting? 

The Government Agency requires mandatory reporting from all relevant employees under the Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (Act). This includes non-public sector employers with 100 or more employees and more specifically employees who have:

  • 100 or more employees for 6 months or more within the previous reporting period 
  • Expect to have 100 or more employees for 6 months or more within a reporting period.

Full-time, part-time, casual, and temporary employees must be counted when determining whether you meet the requirement to report, with further information available on mandatory and voluntary participation available on the WGEA website. 

When should you report?

The WGEA Portal opens on 1 April 2022, with two months to submit your report and the final deadline on 31 May 2022.

The report should cover the previous 12-month reporting period, from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022. Once submitted, you have a further 28 days to edit your report.

Steps for reporting

If your business qualifies for mandatory reporting and as noted by WGEA, you will need to complete the following steps: 

  1. Register your organisation
  2. Obtain a MyGovID
  3. Login to the Portal and select ‘Compliance Reporting’

More detailed information on the reporting process can be found directly on the WGEA website.

Bridge the gap with Purpose

Acknowledging the gender disparity is just the start of this conversation to close the gap and create more diverse, inclusive and equal opportunities in the workplace. 

If you’d like to continue this conversation and better understand how to promote gender equality in your workplace, or for support in completing your report, book a consultation with Purpose today.